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3 Lifestyle Changes to Set Your Dental Implants Up for Success

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sdentalnj @ 4:42 pm
person with dental implants smiling

If you’ve recently experienced dental implant surgery and are dedicated to preserving the enduring success of your new teeth replacements, you’re not alone. Dental implants, known for their combination of aesthetics and functionality, can maintain their longevity with just a handful of simple lifestyle adaptations. Read on to learn about three easy adjustments you can incorporate to guarantee a lasting, lifetime smile.

1. Focus on Keeping Things Clean

Ensuring the long-lasting triumph of your dental implants hinges on maintaining impeccable oral hygiene. Despite the remarkable durability of dental implants, they are not impervious to the potential threats of gum disease, which could compromise their stability.

To protect your implants, it’s critical to maintain a rigorous regimen of daily brushing, flossing, and consistent dental checkups. Furthermore, diligent observation of your smile and prompt communication with your dentist regarding any deviations or worries are crucial for upholding the well-being of your implants.

2. Quit Smoking & Other Bad Oral Habits

The adverse effects of smoking on oral health are well-documented. Smoking increases the risk of gum disease, oral cancer, and hinders the healing process, potentially impeding the successful recovery following implant site surgery.

Even after the complete healing of implants, smoking remains a persistent source of risks and challenges. Quitting smoking can serve as a compelling motivation for individuals contemplating dental implants. Furthermore, abstaining from using teeth for unintended purposes and moderating alcohol consumption are equally essential measures in ensuring the triumph of dental implants.

3. Strive to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Ensuring the sustained triumph of dental implants requires the adoption of a health-conscious lifestyle. This entails steering clear of sugary and acidic beverages and adhering to a balanced diet that includes lean protein sources like turkey and chicken, fruits, vegetables, fish, fatty nuts, dairy, and.

Moreover, maintaining proper hydration with water and engaging in regular physical activity plays a crucial role in managing risk factors like diabetes and hypertension, which could influence the results of dental implant procedures.

Ensuring the enduring success of your dental implants demands a steadfast dedication to oral hygiene. Consistent dental checkups, refraining from harmful habits, and the continuation of a healthy lifestyle are indispensable components for safeguarding the longevity and prosperity of your implants, enabling you to preserve a radiant smile!

About the Practice

At Skyline Dental, we prioritize delivering the highest quality care to help you maintain your best smile. Our range of restorative treatments includes dental implants to bridge those gaps in your grin. Our dedicated team is wholeheartedly committed to providing top-notch care for patients of all ages, whether it’s regular checkups or emergency treatments. We offer a comprehensive array of dental solutions, including dental implants, to help you achieve your desired oral health and aesthetics. To obtain more information on preserving your dental implants or to schedule an appointment, please visit Skyline Dental’s website or contact our office at (973) 949-0925.

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