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Terrible Toothache: Why Did It Go Away On Its Own?

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sdentalnj @ 5:20 pm
Man in blue shirt touching his hand to his jaw in pain.

Did you schedule a visit with your dentist because you had a persistently aching tooth only to have the problem seemingly resolve itself? If it finally stops throbbing, it’s natural to wonder whether your not you need to keep your appointment. Unfortunately, dental problems don’t usually resolve themselves and often require a root canal, so you should be seen regardless of whether it still hurts. If you’re not sure why, keep reading to learn more about it!

What Caused My Toothache?

There are a few reasons why you might have had pain in your pearly white, but one of the most common causes is decay and associated infection. Harmful bacteria work in tandem with acids from the foods you eat to erode your enamel. Then, they can penetrate the tender nerve and tissues, or pulp, inside your tooth. This can affect the roots and even your jawbone causing you to feel moderate to severe discomfort. It doesn’t go away on its own, so you have to see your dentist to fix it.

Why Did My Toothache Go Away?

It’s easy to assume that if the throbbing subsides the issue behind it must have cleared up, too. When it comes to your teeth, however, that’s not usually the case. The sudden lack of pain can even be perceived as a red flag. There’s a good chance that enough damage was done to the nerve inside your tooth that it died. If it’s left untreated, the decay and infection can spread to neighboring teeth as well as your jawbone which could eventually result in tooth loss.

How Will My Tooth Be Treated?

If your dentist determines that this is the issue, then they’ll likely recommend a root canal. For this procedure, they will first numb the area with a topical anesthetic and then create a small opening in the injured tooth. Then, they use specially designed instruments to clear away bacteria and damaged materials, sanitize the area, and seal it up so that germs can’t get back in.

Because the structure is damaged, your provider will likely fit you with a dental crown to protect your pearly white from additional damage and restore its functionality so that you can continue to chew and speak normally.

Now that you know more about why your toothache may have mysteriously subsided, you can see why it’s so important to keep your dental appointment. You don’t want to delay treatment and risk additional damage to your smile. By seeing them sooner rather than later, they can help preserve your tooth for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Aliana Henkin has nearly two full decades of experience offering a full array of dental services to help patients improve their oral health. She earned her doctorate at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine with particular interest in the areas of cosmetic dentistry, restorative services, dental implants, and oral surgery. That means that if you have a damaged tooth needing repair, she’s an expert who can help regardless of its condition. She uses state-of-the-art technology, like CEREC same-day dental crowns, to create beautiful and long-lasting results so that you know your smile is well taken care of. If you had a toothache that subsided and need an appointment, you can request one on the website or by calling (973) 949-0925.

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